Library Rules

  1. Identity Cards will be issued by the college office to all the student members.
  2. All the student members must bring their identity cards while entering the library premises.
  3. On application for membership in the prescribed form, the librarians will issue library cards to the student users. Such cards will remain valid for one year unless cancelled by librarians. It shall not be transferable.
  4. Every teaching and non-teaching staff member, on entering the library, write his/her name with other details decided by the librarians in the register kept at the counter for the purpose and will sign the register.
  5. Every member, before leaving the reading hall, will return the book or books to the assistant in charge at the issuing counter.
  6. Smoking, spitting, loud conversation, and similar objectionable practices are prohibited in or near the library and reading room premises. Members shall not write or make any mark upon any book, periodicals, or any other material belonging to the library.
  7. Members will be held responsible for any damage to the books and shall be required to replace such books or have to pay the full value thereof as determined by the library authorities.
  8. The Library authorities and staff members or the library attendant are authorized to examine everything that passes into or out of the library.
  9. The librarian shall have the power to suspend the use of the card or any facility in the library to any member or suspend membership if any member is found neglecting to comply with any of the rules.